Saturday, September 26, 2009

Good morning

Morning all. I must say I'm lucky my wife is so cool and takes care of Kamal because I went to sleep at midnight and next thing I know it's 7 am. I jumped out of bed though because Kamal was AWOL and I slept through the night so I thought something was wrong. Turns out he was really good last night, slept through the night and Hema had to wake him up for his feedings. Hema decided at that point not to wake me up for feedings because she has gotten good enough and healthy enough to take care of the feeding on her own. When I woke up and he was gone was because he had a dirty diaper which I happily helped Hema change.

-- Posted from my iPhone


R said...

i loooooove him:)

R said...

hey it's afternoon now.. how about another picture.. and maybe a video..